The Asia Foundation
Terms of Reference (TORs) – Project Mid Term Review
Posted date 9th October, 2024 Last date to apply 24th October, 2024
Category Life, Physical, and Social Science
Type Consultancy Position 1

 Hiring a consultant to perform a mid-term review of the Promoting Social Cohesion in Punjab (PSCP) Project to thoroughly evaluate the project's implementation and outcomes, assessing the evidence in relation to the set goals and objectives.

1.      Background

Project’s Thematic Context: Pakistan remains vulnerable to national instabilities and sub-regional conflicts. South Punjab, comprising 11 districts, is the most underdeveloped region in the country's most populous province, Punjab. The area's low levels of human development create fertile ground for extremist groups to recruit youth and other vulnerable populations to advance their political agendas. In Punjab, the unemployment rate for individuals with postgraduate degrees is as high as 18.9 percent, compared to 16.3 percent across Pakistan. This high unemployment rate, combined with limited opportunities for constructive social engagement, leaves marginalized communities and youth in urban and peri-urban areas of South Punjab vulnerable to joining violent extremist groups or becoming involved in violent extremism (VE).

Since 2012, the international community and the Government of Pakistan (GOP) have made numerous efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism (VE) through various government and donor-funded programs. The National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) has implemented several initiatives, particularly under the National Counter Extremism Policy Guidelines and the recommendations of the National Internal Security Policy (2018). Similarly, the Punjab provincial government has established comprehensive policies and initiatives for preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). These projects have had some success, demonstrating that engaging with local community leaders, youth (especially those from madrassas and other non-traditional educational institutions), civil society, and local government are among the most relevant and effective interventions for P/CVE. However, there is still a need to sustain and supplement these efforts and address the underlying environment and rhetoric that fuel VE.

Project Details:   TAF, in partnership with project partners, is implementing the "Promoting Social Cohesion in Punjab (PSCP) Project" across five districts: Lahore, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Jhang, and Bahawalpur. The project's overall goal is to strengthen the support system against violent extremism by engaging at-risk youth, communities, and women in South Punjab. The specific objectives are:

  1. Strengthen the capacity of local communities to implement locally driven P/CVE (Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism) actions effectively.
  2. Enhance policy reform and dialogue on countering violent extremism.
  3. Improve strategic mechanisms among government and civil society actors to promote counter-narratives to violent extremism in educational institutions.

The project aims to initiate a collaborative and sustainable community-driven P/CVE advocacy campaign in at-risk communities by fostering support and cooperation among local stakeholders—such as formal and informal educational and policy institutions, local madrassas, government officials, academia, and civil society—and training community members to become agents of change.

2.      Project Partners

  • National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA)- Strategic partner
  • IPPR Welfare Foundation/National Dialogue Forum (NDF) - Lead Technical Partner, providing overall technical support to the project and managing the project in the Lahore district.
  • Farmers Development Organization (FDO) - Managing the project in the Multan and Bahawalpur districts.
  • Social Youth Council of Patriots (SYCOP) - Managing the project in the Muzaffargarh and Jhang districts.

3.      Purpose and Scope of Mid-Term Evaluation

The purpose of this mid-term evaluation is to assess whether the PSCP interventions and expected outcomes are on track and to provide recommendations for achieving the objectives during the remaining project period. The evaluation will identify which outputs are being delivered according to plan, which are being exceeded, and whether any activities are falling behind, along with the reasons for any delays. Additionally, it is essential to assess whether the progress made to date is likely to result in the desired outcomes and impact.

Furthermore, the evaluation will assess whether the outputs are being delivered in the most efficient and effective manner. It will also determine whether the intended objectives and activities remain relevant, considering changes in the context or new information.

Specific objectives of the evaluation are:

  • Assess the relevance of the PSCP project objectives and core activities for the targeted beneficiaries, including their alignment with the established goals and objectives.
  • Evaluate the extent to which program interventions have contributed to achieving the project's objectives and outcomes after the first year and assess the level of success in executing activities according to the project design.
  • Evaluate the relevance of the target audience and their role within the project.
  • Provide recommendations to the project team for proposed changes to better achieve the desired objectives.
  • Evaluate the impact of the activities implemented during the project's first year.
  • Document programmatic challenges, lessons learnt and key recommendations for project improvement.

4.      Methodology for Mid Term Review

  • Approach/ Data Tools

The Mid-Term Evaluation will primarily be qualitative, using data triangulation from various sources. A series of broad evaluation questions, along with relevant sub-questions, will be developed to assess the extent to which the project’s objectives and results have been achieved to date. Quantitative data, such as information on outputs and outcomes achieved so far, will be obtained mainly from reports, including the results-based framework and quarterly reports. The firm or consultant will propose a rigorous methodology to provide the project management team with comprehensive and reliable information aligned with the project's objectives.  Principal tools will include:

A)   Conduct focus group discussions with relevant project stakeholders, target beneficiaries, district advisory groups, members of district peace committees, and other key project stakeholders. A set of guideline questions will be developed to facilitate these discussions.

B)  Carry out one-on-one interviews with key informants from government, civil society, media, PAC members, madrassas, and representatives from colleges and universities. Generic interview schedules or checklists will be prepared for these interviews.

C)   Perform a desk-based review of project documents, with special attention to the project proposal, narrative reports, monitoring and evaluation framework, and other related reports.

5.      Key Outputs

  1. Inception Report: The firm or consultant will provide an inception report that includes the study design (rationale and methodology), data collection tools, and a detailed work plan within one week of contract signing, for approval by the TAF Program Implementation Lead.
  2. Data Collection Tools: Develop and have the data collection tools approved by the project team before proceeding with data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  3. Draft Evaluation Report: The firm or consultant will prepare a draft evaluation report, outlining findings, recommendations, and lessons learned, for review by the project team.
  4. Validation Meeting: Hold a validation meeting with the project team.
  5. Final Evaluation Report: The firm or consultant will provide a final evaluation report, incorporating feedback from the PSCP project team. This will be delivered in both electronic and hard copy formats (MS Word document and PowerPoint slides).
  6. Data Sets: The firm or consultant will provide TAF with all data sets and materials related to the research.

6.      Eligibility Criteria

The consultant/firm engaged to undertake the assignment must fulfill the following requirements:

-      Strong background and experience in data collection and analysis.

-     Proven experience in undertaking evaluation/research or leading evaluation/research teams, with outstanding skills in qualitative and quantitative research and data analysis using relevant software.

-      Technical expertise in evaluating CVE projects, conflict related programming; and ability to draw strong and valid conclusions.

-       Strong communication skills

7.      Award of Contract

The contract would be signed for a period of up to two months with the consultant/ firm.

8.      Responsibilities of the Foundation

The Foundation will monitor and supervise the work and review progress of the work, provide regular technical support, and feedback and provide support when required.

9.      Intellectual Property

All information about this project reports, policy recommendations, and data, etc.) belonging to the client, which the service provider may come into contact within the performance of his/her duties under this partnership shall remain the property of The Asia Foundation-Pakistan who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for this assignment's purposes, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever form without the Foundation's written permission.

10.  Payment Modality

The awarded contract will be paid in Pakistani rupees (PKR) against the deliverables and upon submission of the agreed deliverables as per the foundation's financial rules and payment conditions stipulated in the Service for Contract.


Apply By:

Interested consultants/ firms/Individuals are invited to submit their Sealed proposals, including the following information:

  • Company profile and relevant experience
  • Technical proposal
  • Financial proposal 

Sealed proposals should be sent to the TAF office at the following address:

Country Representative: The Asia Foundation Pakistan Office

EOBI House, 3rd Floor, Block 32-34, Mauve Area
I&T Center, G-10/4, Islamabad.

Tel # 051-8434707

[email protected]

The deadline for submission of Sealed proposals is Thursday, October 24, 2024Sealed Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.
