Strengthening Participatory Organization
Community Facilitator
Posted date 17th March, 2025 Last date to apply 21st March, 2025
Country Pakistan Locations Khanewal, Vehari
Category Field
Type Contractual Positions 4
Experience 4 years Maximum Age 45 years

Job Description:

The Community Facilitator, as part of the district team will be responsible for behavior change amongst communities on the Aawaz II thematic areas. S/he will be responsible for community mobilization, establishing/supporting village forums, establishing AACs, capacity building of Aawaz Change Agents/youth volunteers, village forum members and others, facilitating dialogue with stakeholders, disseminating information and raising awareness, managing referrals, facilitating village level Early Warning System/Early Response Mechanism (EWS/ERM) and supporting and reporting on field initiatives.

Main Responsibilities:

Social mobilization and community dialogue for behavior change:

  • Lead the social mobilization process, identify hotspots, villages and members for establishing Aawaz II Village Forums (VFs), with the support of the Project Coordinator.
  • Coordinate regularly with VFs and their Focal Persons and lead the identification process of Aawaz Aagahi Centers (AACs) and Resource Persons.
  • Manage VFs and other community structures and organize behavior change activities with local communities on programme thematic areas.
  • Support Resource Persons in organizing community dialogues for formation of the AACs and engage with key community stakeholders in identified villages.
  • Lead VF formation, in coordination with Project Coordinator and support Resource Persons for managing VF meetings and activities.
  • Support Resource Persons and VFs for developing workplans, maintaining records, organizing activities and holding dialogues etc.

Information and awareness for behavior change:  

  • Create awareness and share information about Aawaz II priority themes i.e. child marriages, gender-based violence, social cohesion, and other harmful practices, etc. at the community level and target villages to facilitate behavior change in community;
  • Assist the Project Coordinator in mapping of services, mandated and non-mandated structures and preparing a Referral Directory. Ensure that the printed Referral Directories are available in all AACs and AAC RPs are facilitating the information provision to communities including legal information about relevant laws, information related to various government policies and programmes.
  • Conduct orientation and capacity building activities with communities and other stakeholders on Aawaz II thematic areas focusing behavior change.
  • Build and strengthen linkages with local communities focusing Aawaz II thematic groups and duty bearers.
  • Facilitate behavior change by sensitizing key stakeholders e.g., elders, influencers and specific service providers and support leadership development among the marginalized groups. 
  • Support the Resource Persons, ACAs and communities in accessing the relevant government and non-government service providers through the formal referral mechanism (legal aid, protection centers, women shelter, social protection etc.) 

Capacity building:

  • Participate in ToTs and be the facilitator to cascade capacity building sessions to  Resource Persons, Village and District Forums and ACAs.
  • Support ACAs and VFs in implementing Social and Collective Community Action Projects (SAPs/CCAPs).
  • Support AAC (Resource Persons) and district team in behaviour change campaigns on Aawaz II themes such as ending gender based violence and child marriage, campaigns on the rights of vulnerable groups.
  • Support RPs to conduct and organize meetings with relevant duty bearers.
  • Ensure that the printed copies of all training modules and EWS-ERM SOPs are displayed in all AACs

Early Warning System and Early Response Mechanism:

  • Facilitate VFs in establishing the Early Warning System (EWS) and Early Response Mechanisms (ERM)
  • Support establishment of Early Response Mechanisms (ERM) in village forums and their referrals in collaboration with the AACs to relevant mandated and non-mandated structures, for example the Child Protection and Women Protection Committees, District Vigilance Committees, Vigilance Committees (Punjab)/Police Liaison Councils (KP).
  • Ensure monitoring and validation of EWS/ERM records maintained by RPs.

Progress reporting:

  • Develop and maintain profiles of members of VFs, DFs, ACAs and other volunteers
  • Develop and share periodic progress reports with Project Coordinator and support AAC and district team in collecting and documenting relevant information and success stories.
  • Weekly reporting of EWS-ERM data to the Project Coordinator
  • Lead to prepare training reports, databases, and narrative reports for all the activities held by VFs, ACAs and AACs etc.


  • Ensure that the Resource Persons, Village Forum Members, ACAs and volunteers are aware of the Safeguarding policy and reporting mechanisms and escalate safeguarding concerns arising from the field to the relevant focal person.
  • Undertakes any other task assigned by the supervisor.

Please Note:

  • Only locals with CNIC proof will be hired
  • Women, transgender, differently abled and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
  • Candidate who tries to influence the recruitment process will be automatically disqualified.
  • Ready to work immediately.
  • SPO strongly prohibits Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harrasment (SEAH), accordingly; candidate background and reference check will be conducted.


  1. Requires you to add current salary information.
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